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Shutterfly had an offer for a free 8x8 book so I tried my best to figure out how to do it.
I am not a Graphic Designer so it was very difficult for me. It took me ALL day one day to do it. Sometimes it said the pictures were poor quality and may not print well also some were too close to the edge of a page and I was warned they may not print the way I want them.
But the package came today in the mail and I think it turned out great. It is broken into 3 parts.
The beginning is about the Willow Tree that Adam loved so much while he was growing up. We had to cut it down and we made a table out of one of the chunks of wood from the trunk. Adam had wrapped a chain around it years ago and the tree eventually grew around the chain. The piece the chain was embedded inside was not able to be ground up in the machine that mulched the wood so they just left it in our front yard. It has sat in our yard for over two years before we made the table that was used at Adam and Nicole's wedding to hold their Unity Candle.
The second part is the Shel Silverstein story of The Giving Tree.
Shutterfly photo books offer a variety of layouts and cover options to choose from.
I am not a Graphic Designer so it was very difficult for me. It took me ALL day one day to do it. Sometimes it said the pictures were poor quality and may not print well also some were too close to the edge of a page and I was warned they may not print the way I want them.
But the package came today in the mail and I think it turned out great. It is broken into 3 parts.
The beginning is about the Willow Tree that Adam loved so much while he was growing up. We had to cut it down and we made a table out of one of the chunks of wood from the trunk. Adam had wrapped a chain around it years ago and the tree eventually grew around the chain. The piece the chain was embedded inside was not able to be ground up in the machine that mulched the wood so they just left it in our front yard. It has sat in our yard for over two years before we made the table that was used at Adam and Nicole's wedding to hold their Unity Candle.
The second part is the Shel Silverstein story of The Giving Tree.
The third part is some fun family photos.